Monday, July 9, 2007

Saturday, June 23rd (Paris, France to Copenhagen, Denmark to Newark, NJ)

Today we sign off after 4 weeks traveling across Europe. Our day started at 4:45am when we woke up to drive Matt & Allison to the train station to catch their train to Bordeaux (well Jim did and Carla tried to keep sleeping). We were easily able to drop the car off (tears in our eyes as we won’t see our little Volvo for 6 weeks or so) at Charles De Gualle and arrived in plenty of time (yes, even w/ Jobby) to catch our flight to Copenhagen. We now have a 5 hour layover in Copenhagen (gotta love these free flights) before we head to Newark for a night where we visit with Carla’s family. The one perk of the free flights on Volvo though is the free access to Business Lounges. Gotta love the free drinks, food and internet access. Jobby is enjoying a lot of beer before we get on our 8.5 hour flight!

The plane ride back was mostly un-eventful except that we had to sit just in front of the bathroom on the Paris-Copenhagen leg and almost passed out from the fumes. When we hit the ground at RDU in North Carolina we were happy to be home.

8 countries and 3,728 miles later, we are ready to arrive back on our homesoil and enjoy some free (COLD!!) tap water at restaurants, toilets we don’t have to pay for (being pregnant and having to use the bathroom all the time made for a pricey spending habit!), our own beds (a queen size not this two singles pushed together crap), gas that doesn’t cost over $6 bucks a gallon (and you thought the US was bad) and the absence of not having to pack up our stuff every few days (whoops we have to do that for the next few weeks as we move from NC to CT). We are also excited to find out on Monday whether little OB1 is a boy or a girl. Will it be our first inclination (a girl) or our latest feelings and dreams (a boy)? Only 2 days till we know!

Signing off…

Carla & Jobby

PS – a few days later, we know it’s going to be O’BOY’1 now J Welcome little baby Jobby!

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